
Create a peaceful
with alcohol.

About Me

Hi, I’m Molly. I’m an author, podcaster, mentor  and certified coach.  

I’m also one of thousands of people who grew up with an alcoholic parent. 

Despite the pain alcohol had caused in my life and how it had impacted my family, I  developed my own unhealthy daily drinking habit that persisted for more than thirty years. I lived with constant anxiety and fear about my drinking. I  worried endlessly  about becoming an alcoholic like my mother, but at the same time I felt like I needed alcohol to help relieve my stress. 

I was stuck.  

Over the past few years, I’ve used science and  mastered something I  call the Behavior Map- Results Cycle to change my relationship with alcohol and break my daily drinking habit.  I no longer worry about alcohol, no longer drink to  change how I’m feeling and I don’t  feel like I’m missing out or walk around with some  unrelenting desire to drink. 

I can take alcohol or leave it. I can drink occasionally, or not at all. I don’t count days, I don’t worry about overdrinking….alcohol is simply  a very minimal part of my life.  

I am an alcohol minimalist. 

I have a peace that I truly never believed was possible. 

 I can help you create the same.

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